'Tagal' Kampung Luanti - Fish Massage at Ranau

Located in Kampung Luanti, Ranau, 131 km from Kota Kinabalu, this fish spa is managed by the Kampung Luanti JKK lead by Mr. Jeffrin Majangki.

In the Local Kadazan Dusun dialect, tagal means no fishing and the main purposes for tagal is to preserve the environment as well as the ecosystem to benefit the future generation. 'Ikan Pelian' or Malaysian Mahseer comes from family of Cyprinidae. These fishes are especially trained by the villagers to perform the healing massage activities.

The fish massage have curative effect on those who suffers from psoriasis. Come to Kampun Luanti for regular fish massages and you will enjoy smoother and suppler skin. If the idea of fishes nibbling off your dead skin does not thrill you, try some other activities such as jungle trekking and camping. Kampung Luanti also equipped with a homestay programme to make visitors feel at home every time.